Memasak merupakan salah satu tantangan di Harvest Moon Back to Nature. Bagaimana tidak, memasak merupakan salah satu faktor untuk meningkatkan persentase game. Namun di dalam game, hanya beberapa resep masakan saja yang disebutkan. Jadi sisanya kita harus mencarinya sendiri. Tapi tenang, kali ini saya akan menyajikan semua resep masakan yang ada.
Sebelum mulai memasak...
- Pastikan rumahmu sudah diupgrade sampai ada dapurnya (upgrade kedua).
- Siapkan bahan baku (ingredients), peralatan (utensils), dan pelengkap (seasonings), dan juga panduan ini sebelum mulai memasak.
Yang perlu diketahui seputar memasak di HMBTN:
- Setiap 8 resep baru yang dibuat akan menambah 1% persentase gameplay
- Setiap ada resep baru (maupun tambahan variasinya) akan dicatat di buku resep
- Semakin banyak bahan yang digunakan, semakin besar peluangmu untuk memenangkan festival memasak
- Peralatan memasak dapat kalian beli di channel "TV Shopping" setiap hari Sabtu
- Sebagian resep masakan bisa kalian simak di channel "The Delicious Hour" setiap hari Selasa, dan bisa kalian dapatkan dari penduduk, menambang, dan memancing
Cara memasak:
Pilih tombol "X" di depan meja dapur.
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Dekati meja dapur |
Kemudian akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini. Lalu pilih Cook dish.
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Pilih Cook dish |
Pilih Try cooking something new jika ingin membuat masakan baru, atau pilih Follow a recipe jika sebelumya sudah pernah membuat masakan yang sama.
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Pilih salah satu pilihan |
Jika kalian memilih pilihan Follow a recipe maka akan muncul seperti di bawah ini. Pilih salah satu menu yang akan dibuat, kemudian akan muncul konfirmasi bahan dan peralatan yang digunakan.
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Pilih salah satu menu yang akan dimasak |
Jika kalian memilih pilihan Try cooking something new, maka akan muncul seperti di bawah ini. Lalu pilih alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan, kemudian konfirmasi untuk mulai memasak.
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Pilih bahan dan alat untuk memasak |
- Bahan-bahan / peralatan / pelengkap yang bertanda (*) adalah tambahan. Kalian diperbolehkan untuk tidak menggunakannya.
- Selain yang bertanda (*) kalian wajib untuk menggunakannya (jika tidak, rasakan sendiri hasilnya)
Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 1
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1
Noodles (The Delicious Hour, 18th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Egg*, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 76
Bamboo Rice
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35
Mushroom Rice (The Delicious Hour, 10th show)
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35
Truffle Rice (The Delicious Hour, 11th show)
Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65
Raisin Bread
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Bread
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30
Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter, Honey*
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32
Strawberry Jam (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Strawberry
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5
Apple Jam
Ingredients: Apple or SUGDW Apple, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9
Grape Jam (The Delicious Hour, 9th show)
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9
Jam Bun (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Bread, any type of Jam (at least one, can use multiple types)
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 40 to 50
Tomato Juice (The Delicious Hour, 8th show)
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 25
Hot Milk (The Delicious Hour, 17th show)
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 24
Strawberry Milk
Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk, Honey*
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36
Boiled Egg (The Delicious Hour, 1st show)
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23
Ingredients: Corn, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35
Curry (The Delicious Hour, 15th show)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball, Oil*, Grape Juice*, Chocolate*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Wild Grape*,
Sweet Potato*, Boiled Egg*, Pumpkin*, Truffle*, Mushroom*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Fish*, Cheese*, Tomato*, Egg*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 65
Miso Soup (The Delicious Hour, 16th show)
Ingredients: At least one of the following: Cabbage, Green Pepper, Potato,
Spinach, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot,
Onion, Mushroom, Small Fish, Turnip
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 10 to 52
Ingredients: Cucumber
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23
Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23
Ingredients: Spinach
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 20
Salad (The Delicious Hour, 5th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Truffle*, Mushroom*,
Strawberry*, Turnip*, Boiled Egg*, Cheese*, Green Pepper*, Pineapple*,
Apple*, Mayonnaise*, Oil*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar*, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 34 to 60
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg*, Truffle*, Cabbage*,
Honey*, Wine*, Apple*, Carrot*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Cheese*,
Wild Grape*, Corn*, Cucumber*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Strawberry*, Fish*,
Butter*, Tomato*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 46 to 68
Happy Eggplant (The Delicious Hour, 12th show)
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Sugar, Miso Paste, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 30
Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves, Blue Grass*, Red Grass*, Green Grass*,
Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Milk*, Wine*, Orangecup Fruit*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 70 to 112
Mayonnaise S
Ingredients: Normal Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1
Mayonnaise M
Ingredients: Good Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 2
Mayonnaise L
Ingredients: Excellent Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 3
Mayonnaise XL
Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 4
Sweet Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40
Roasted Potatoes (The Delicious Hour, 13th show)
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Small Stone (not Winter Stone)
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 42
Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Oil*, Chocolate*, Grape Juice*, Pineapple*,
Spinach*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Honey*, Wild Grape*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Apple*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Sweet Potato*, Tomato*,
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 35 to 58
Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread, Wine*
Utensils: Knife*, Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 53
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bamboo Shoot*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*,
Sweet Potato*, Eggplant*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Truffle*, Egg*, Onion*,
Corn*, Mushroom*, Green Pepper*, Potato*, Tomato*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 67
Ingredients: Potato, Oil, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 40
Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Cabbage, Flour, Egg, Oil, Milk*, Potato*, Cucumber*, Pumpkin*,
Cheese*, Eggplant*, Spinach*, Carrot*, Bamboo Shoot*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Mayonnaise*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 65
Scrambled Eggs
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Mayonnaise*, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 58
Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 2nd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Corn*, Potato*, Cheese*, Cabbage*, Eggplant*,
Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Pumpkin*,
Mayonnaise*, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 82
Rice Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 3rd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Cabbage*,
Eggplant*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Mayonnaise*, Mushroom*, Corn*,
Sweet Potato*, Fish*, Ketchup*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Onion*, Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 82
Fried Rice
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Ball, Egg, Bamboo Shoot*, Cucumber*, Boiled Egg*,
Scrambled Egg*, Mushroom*, Spinach*, Stir Fry*, Wine*, Grilled Fish*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Green Pepper*, Onion*, Sashimi*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Corn*,
Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 49 to 69
Grilled Fish (New Year's Special TV, Spring 3; The Delicious Hour, 14th
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36
Ingredients: Large Fish, Medium Fish (one or both)
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 38
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 41
Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball, Scrambled Egg, Cucumber*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 55
Curry Noodles
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour, Turnip*, Cabbage*, Sweet Potato*, Egg*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Onion*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
(Alternate Recipe)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Same as above*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 80
Stir Fry (The Delicious Hour, 6th show)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil, Potato*, Tomato*, Cucumber*, Sweet Potato*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Bamboo Shoot*, Corn*, Mushroom*, Eggplant*, Carrot*,
Green Pepper*, Onion*, Truffle*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 40 to 52
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil, Poisonous Mushroom*, Chocolate*, Truffle*,
Turnip*, Cucumber*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Boiled Egg*, Pineapple*, Fish*,
Pumpkin*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Potato*, Eggplant*, Sweet Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 20 to 38
Tempura Noodles
Ingredients: Tempura, Noodles, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Fish*,
Mushroom*, Truffle*, Egg*, Carrot*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 92
(Alternate recipe)
Ingredients: Tempura, Flour, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife
Seasonings: Same as above*
Fried Noodles
Ingredients: Oil, Noodles
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 60
Cookie (The Delicious Hour, 4th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 15 to 17
Chocolate Cookie
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*,
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40 to 63
Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*,
Strawberry*, Wild Grape*
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 70 to 91
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52
Pumpkin Pudding
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Egg, Milk, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52
Apple Pie
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Wine*, Honey*
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 54
Ice Cream
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Strawberry*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Apple*,
Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 53
Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Honey*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 29 to 33
Fruit Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Milk, Honey* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Milk, Honey*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 39 to 43
Vegetable Juice (The Delicious Hour, 7th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Truffle*, Corn*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Onion*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Egg*, Eggplant*, Turnip*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 28 to 50
Veggie Latte
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Milk, Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Turnip*, Spinach*, Green Pepper*, Cheese*, Egg*, Onion*
(alternate: Vegetable Juice, Milk, same optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 38 to 59
Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage (at least one fruit and one veggie), Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Grape Juice*, Mushroom*, Turnip*, Onion*, Green Pepper*,
Tomato*, Spinach*, Cucumber* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, same
optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 58
Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage, Milk
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65
Food Fiasco
Ingredients: Pretty much anything
Utensils: Pretty much anything
Seasonings: Pretty much anything
Stamina Restored: 1
Demikianlah beberapa resep masakan dan cara memasak di Harvest Moon Back to Nature. Semoga bermanfaat untuk pembaca yang ingin memasak di game ini. Selamat mencoba.
Demikianlah beberapa resep masakan dan cara memasak di Harvest Moon Back to Nature. Semoga bermanfaat untuk pembaca yang ingin memasak di game ini. Selamat mencoba.
+ komentar + 8 komentar
Nyari 100 resep ko susah yaaa
Mentoknya di 64 :(
Jadi inget jaman dulu,,, keren daah pkknya
Aku main game ini pas smp,,,harvest moon addict banget dulu.serruu sih.
Mantap bro lumayan lah daripada masak gosong mulu wakakak
Wah sayang cuma 64 yaah :/
Mantap bro. Nice artikel nya
Ajib, thanks gan..
Bnyk yg lupa resepny :D
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